I’ll meet you there

I recently had the honor and privilege of creating the album art images for my trans sister Tyler’s new single, NEVER LAND. It’s a pop ballad about finding love and adventure — flying out beyond what was once believed to be possible. To me, these images represent a transcendence above the societal boundaries that too often define and restrict us. It’s common to categorize each other and define who we should and shouldn’t associate with based on which groups we are respective members of, yet there is a personhood deep within each of us that is worth honoring and knowing — deeper than the taboos and labels — deeper than the arguments of our time — there are people all around us to love and to celebrate.

There’s an ancient poem by Rumi that opens with the lines

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”

I love the notion of venturing past the fault lines of beliefs and opinions to connect as individual souls. I hope it’s something that each of us find the courage to do more often.


Revisiting My Childhood Playground